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Early Bird will end in 3 days!

If you plan to attend, you could save quite a bit on registration fees! Buy your ticket today!

The end of Early Bird is on May 2nd, 23:59:59 CEST. We'd like to ask to you to forward this post to anyone that you feel may be interested.

We have an amazing lineup of tutorials and talks. We have some excellent keynote speakers and Guido will be with us! ... but remember that early bird registration ends in 3 days!

Right now, you still get discounts on talks and tutorials so if you plan to attend this year to the conference.

Things to Remember:

  • House your server: we will be running an Intranet at EuroPython, to let sponsors, startups, open-source projects and speakers showcase their products directly within our network.
  • Book a Training: You can book the trainings you want to attend, directly from the schedule (click on the training, and then click on the "Book" button).
  • Sprints: wonderful hacking sessions during the weekend, learn from expert Python developers, and contribute to the Python ecosystem!
  • Probably we've already discussed about the fact that Guido Van Rossum will be at Europython in Florence :)

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30 April 2012
early birdGuido Van Rossumtrainingsprintregistrationattendees


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