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492 participants have published their profiles! Discover how to see them all!

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A guy enchanted by the snake
sqlalchemyHTTParduinoPythonagile and 12 more

CPythonagilescrumios and 9 more

tornadodistributed-systemstwistedrabbitmqdjango and 2 more
@hansent (Thomas Hansen)

@hansent (Thomas Hansen)
webuicomputer-visioncythonbusiness and 15 more
Adam Hitchcock

Adam Hitchcock

Realertime to the future!
webcontinuous-integrationflaskredishtml and 3 more

Currently a software engineer at DISQUS working on our realtime delivery of content. Previously I worked at Skype in the Skype Labs and Core Web Services groups where I did top secret things. I tend to hate long presentations so you will often find me trying to start open space ...

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Adi Roiban

Adi Roiban

Who wipes!?
cythonjythongitnetworkingtesting and 7 more

Lately I am working to implement a cross platform file transfer solution for servers (not desktops, not web - Dropbox). I am interested in running Python and Twisted with OpenSSL on all server operating systems, including Linux, Windows Server, AIX, HPUX, Solaris, OSX Server… and any other OS running that might ...

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Adolfo Brandes

Adolfo Brandes

Python hacker, free software advocate.
ceducationgame-developmentubuntudjango and 5 more
Alan Franzoni

Alan Franzoni
best-practicestwistedsecure-programmingpuppetubuntu and 2 more

I’m a software developer living in the Trieste area. I love agile methodologies, and I’m mostly skilled in Python and Java languages, with a consistent webapp and networked applications background. I’m interested in continuous integration, testing and release automation practices .

Our Sponsors
Python Experts
Personnel development with 360° feedback
SSL Matrix
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