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Early bird registrations now open

We are pleased to announce that Early Bird registration is now open, and offers an average of 30% off the regular price.

Just like last year, we are offering different fares for students, individuals or companies; moreover, in addition to the standard ticket (which includes 5 days of full conference access, including catering), we are also offering a lite ticket that does not include access to the 4-hour hands-on trainings, and a daily ticket.

Hotel concession

As previously hinted, we are also offering a very special concession for bedrooms with Grand Hotel Mediterraneo, the conference hotel: you can sleep for as low as €30 per person per night, including wifi and breakfast, in a 4-star hotel in the city center of Florence!

Moreover, we will try to help people roomsharing: even if you don't know anyone, you can simply book a single bed in a shared double, triple or quadruple room, and we will find a good match for you. This will save you a lot on the travel costs.

This concession is for a limited number of rooms, so we suggest to book as early as possible. We will probably obtain a second batch of rooms later, but at a higher price.

Book now to join the community voting

All proposals for talks, trainings or posters, will be subjected to a public community voting, that will select the proposals that will make it to the final schedule. If you want to influence the schedule of EuroPython and vote the proposals you like most, it is sufficient to buy a conference ticket: in fact, all people holding a valid ticket in their account will be granted access to the voting.

Call for proposals still running

Remember that the call for proposals is still open. Even if you have never given a talk in a conference, consider submitting a proposal: you can mark yourself as first-time speaker in the submission form, and we are preparing a great rehearsal and review process to help such speakers improve their skills and talks.

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09 March 2012


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