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Poster session is coming to EuroPython

We are happy to announce that EuroPython 2012 will host a poster session, for the first time.

Posters are an innovative way to present your projects at a conference: instead of giving a talk, you just need to graphically and schematically describe your project, and send us a digital file: we will print it in a large format and display it at the conference.

People will have access to the poster room throughout the whole conference, and there will be a special poster session in which poster authors will be available for answering questions.

Posters facilitate a more direct form of connection between participants, and are very well suited for people which are not comfortable in public speaking, or for subjects which are probably not worth a full talk.

For further information, have a look at the poster session page on our website, and submit your poster proposal. Remember that the call for proposals ends on March 18th.

1 Comments Add a comment

  1. Gravatar
    Oh wow, this is awesome! What a great place to display your scientific research. If you didn't have an excuse to go to Florence, you now have one!

    I hope you have a great response.

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Written by
29 February 2012


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