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Let's play with Python and OpenCV

by Omar Trinidad Gutiérrez Méndez for EuroPython 2012

OpenCV is a fantastic open source library for computer vision and image processing. There is a wrapper for Python. In this talk we want to introduce you and help you to pass the learning curve of OpenCV using the wrapper for Python.

We’ll play with the the main functions of image and video processing. We’ll also cover any differences between OpenCV 2.3.1 (cv2) and the earlier versions (cv). We want to share tips, skills, and experiences about OpenCV and Python.

in on Friday 6 July at 11:15 See schedule



  1. Gravatar

    I came across your interesting video.

    Would you mind publishing the code that appeared at the youtube video time 31:23 ???

    Thanks in advance.

  2. Gravatar
    Yes, I will upload the code to my github account this weekend...

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opencv scientific-computing computer-vision
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