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Call for Papers "last shot" extension

No more excuses! If you are a lazy speaker who missed the deadline this is your time to fix things! Europython team is extending the call for papers for another day!

This is an important message for all those speakers that missed the CFP deadline. No more excuses! No more "argh, this year I had this best talk ever but didn't manage to propose the abstract in time"!

The Europython team is giving you the very last chance to raise your hand and propose your talk! We'll reopen the talks submission during tomorrow, Saturday 9th (the whole day: 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 CEST).

See you soon and... submit!

PS: remember to subscribe our blog feed, twitter stream or mailing-list to make sure you don't miss important news!

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08 April 2011


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